Sunday, August 23, 2009

Australian man refuses to pay prostitute child support

A man who paid a woman for sex is resisting child support requests after the prostitute had his baby.

The married Melbourne man argues the child is potentially a breach of the Trade Practices Act. He told a federal magistrate he shouldn't have to pay for the inadvertent offspring given the circumstances of the conception.

The accidental dad - who can be referred to only by the pseudonym Mr Lilley - told magistrate Grant Riethmuller he'd had "a consumer transaction" with the child's mother.

Mr Lilley argued an implied term of the "contract" between clients and sex workers was that women would take measures to avoid pregnancy. Mr Lilley told the court he was not disputing paternity.

The prostitute - known only by the pseudonym Ms Logan - did not appear in court, and details of her employer were not publicly revealed.

Sex without a condom is illegal in licenced Victorian brothels and escort agencies.

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