Thursday, September 17, 2009

The umbrella that protects against rain and muggers

An unbreakable umbrella which protects against rain and muggers has been unveiled. Designers of the £125 Unbreakable Umbrella claim their invention made of hi-tech steel can support the weight of a man and can be wielded like a baseball bat.

Makers Real Self-Defense say their brolly is as strong as a steel pipe despite weighing only 775g and is already proving a hit across the UK and Europe.

They claim it is perfect for use as a self-defence weapon, particularly when combined with knowledge of martial arts training such as Kendo, a Japanese style of fencing.

In the company's promotional video a besuited middle-aged man can be seen splitting watermelons and attacking a punch bag with his unbreakable brolley. It is then raised and folds out to form a regular looking black umbrella.

A spokesman for Real Self-Defence, based in Vermont, USA, said the umbrella was a vital tool for staying protected on the streets.

He said: ''Our Unbreakable Umbrella has no unusual parts, no more metal than an average umbrella, it does not arouse suspicion, can be carried legally everywhere where any weapons are prohibited."

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