Monday, November 2, 2009

Rock star admits stalking three girls

New Zealand born Split Enz founding member Phil Judd, who lives in Eltham, Australia has admitted stalking the children since 2004, when the youngest was in year 2 and the eldest in year 6. He was sentenced at the Heidelberg Magistrates' Court in March this year. He avoided a prison term, instead receiving a 12-month suspended sentence and a $2500 fine.

The girls and their mother claimed in statements to police that Judd spied on the sisters as they travelled to and from school as often as three times a week. In one statement they claimed he also took photographs of the children at their pony club.

In a disturbing Facebook exchange with the girls - provided to police - he said: "I find all u . . . girls beautiful and very special. I am not a pervert . . . I am an aesthete . . . I was a popstar once." On Friday, Judd admitted to the stalking conviction when approached by reporters. But the unrepentant singer-songwriter said: "I only had a crush on one of them - I'm just a silly old man.

"This has been blown way out of proportion. The only mistake I made was getting on to Facebook one night after a few too many drinks." The 56-year-old is best known for his time with Split Enz in the 1970s, the Swingers and writing the song Counting the Beat. He also received an AFI award for one his film soundtracks.

Before they knew his name, the girls called him the "creepy stalky man" because he would be waiting for them after school, they said in statements.

The girl's mother said Judd should have received jail. Judd's so-called "crush" had left one of the girls still traumatised and receiving counselling. "She jumps when she hears a noise, thinking he is going to come to her window," the mother said."

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