Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Cat 'stationmaster' gets promoted to executive post at railway company

The cat stationmaster of a railroad station in Japan has been appointed as a corporate executive of the Wakayama Electric Railway Co., the company has announced.

The train operator has promoted 10-year-old female cat Tama, currently a stationmaster of Kishi Station on the Kishikawa Line, to the post of operating officer in recognition of her contribution to expanding the customer base.

This is the first time in the world for a cat to become an executive of a railroad corporation, a company official said. Tama will continue to serve as the stationmaster while assuming the new role.

The cat has climbed the ladder of success swiftly since she was first appointed as the stationmaster in January 2007. Tama was promoted to "Super Stationmaster" the following year and to corporate executive in a mere three years since her first appointment.

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