Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Indian city hit by condom thefts

Petty criminals who break into condom vending machines are causing concern among Aids and HIV-prevention activists in the Indian city of Mumbai.

Over 3,000 condom vending machines have been installed in the city as a part of an HIV Aids prevention programme.

However, more than 500 of the machines have been damaged by petty criminals who break into them for fun, for small change or for free condoms.

Rajesh Nainakwal from the Hindustan Latex Family Planning Promotion Trusts (HLFPPT) - which provides the vending machines in conjunction with non governmental organisations - said there could be several reasons for these thefts.

"These machines are installed in areas where high risk people like truck drivers are likely to visit. Often these places also have drug addicts or petty thieves.

"A machine never contains more than 100 rupees ($2) but they may break it open to sell the parts and buy drugs. Some may want condoms for free. Some may be against the idea of installing such machines. It still carries a stigma."

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