Saturday, January 23, 2010

UK terrorist threat level raised to 'severe'

The UK terror threat level is being raised from "substantial" to "severe", Home Secretary Alan Johnson has said.

The new alert level means a terrorist attack is considered "highly likely". It had stood at substantial since July.

Mr Johnson stressed there was no intelligence to suggest a terrorist attack was imminent. The decision to raise the threat level was made by the UK's Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre (JTAC).

Mr Johnson said: "We still face a real and serious threat to the UK from international terrorism, so I would urge the public to remain vigilant and carry on reporting suspicious events to the appropriate authorities and to support the police and security services in their continuing efforts to discover, track and disrupt terrorist activity."

The US Department of Homeland Security said the move meant the UK would be on a similar level of alert to America.

Meanwhile, the very well protected Reverend Tony earns a fortune travelling the world talking righteous bollocks to people. I'm looking forward to his appearance next Friday at The Chilcot Inquiry. There'll be no war crimes revealed there, mind.

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