Saturday, November 20, 2010

Car salesman hanged himself after being told to pick his underpants off the floor

A divorced car salesman killed himself following a row with his fiancé about cleaning. The body of Jason Jeffreys was discovered at his home in Beaconsfield Street, Cadoxton, by his father Michael at the end of June. He was hanged over his stairs by a flex around his neck.

No suicide note was discovered, and an examination made by police of mobile phones and a laptop computer found in the property revealed nothing suspicious. PC Timothy Cranny told an inquest at Neath Crown Court that the 37-year-old had called his father at 3am that morning, "ranting" about an argument with fiancé Susan Morris earlier in the day.

His fiancé, Ms Morris, told the inquest: "We had a disagreement about cleaning. I was moaning he was not picking up his pants after him and that was it basically. I went up my mother's and said see how much I do for you. That was normal. We had that disagreement many times, he was quite lazy. But I did not regard it as serious. I never saw it coming. I would not have gone up my mother's if I thought there had been anything wrong."

A post mortem examination revealed Mr Jeffreys was approximately twice the drink-drive limited around the time of his death, and also discovered evidence of diazepam and cocaine use. It concluded the cause of death was hanging. Asked if she knew Mr Jeffreys had been using cocaine, Ms Edwards added: "Everyone does these days." Coroner Philip Rogers recorded a verdict of suicide.

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