Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hannibal the killer swan gets a taste of his own medicine - Update

A swan dubbed Hannibal for killing other birds is recovering after coming out second best in a fight. His wing is bandaged up and he is on pain killing injections at the Tinker's Hill Bird of Prey & Swan Rescue Centre in Pembrokeshire. It has temporarily brought to an end a nine-month reign of terror at the ponds around Pembroke castle.

Hannibal has been blamed for the deaths of at least 15 swans and injuries to another 22. He was rescued by wildlife volunteer Maria Evans who runs the centre. Despite his fearsome reputation she was able to catch him fairly easily. "From the injury I would say he was probably injured in battle - I think he probably outreached himself.

"I was able to catch him fairly easily, he never did have a reputation for attacking people, just other swans. He is fine. The wing is bandaged up to his body to stop it trailing and he is on pain killing injections. He is in isolation in our new swan unit as we have 16 other swans here at the moment."

Mrs Evans was awaiting a licence to remove him from Castle Pond in Pembroke because of the deaths and injuries he was causing to other swans. His injury has sped the process up and once he is up to it Mrs Evans will take him for blood tests to see if there is an explanation for his overly aggressive nature. Since February he has attacked every other swan that has attempted to join him and his family on the pond.


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