Friday, November 19, 2010

Mobility scooter drink-driver bannned

A 63-year-old man who was caught drink-driving on a disability scooter has been fined and banned from driving for two years. John MacLean's solicitor told Dingwall Sheriff Court the vehicle was not "designed for hell-raising". MacLean, of Ullapool, admitted drink-driving on various roads in the town.

The court heard that the former council foreman was stopped by police and a roadside test showed that he was almost three times over the limit. MacLean has arthritis and was helped into the dock by a security guard. The court heard that a police officer had wanted to speak to MacLean about another matter and saw him driving the scooter in Ullapool's Seaforth Road to Latheron Lane just after 1700 GMT on 10 November.

On MacLean's return to his home the officer noticed he smelled strongly of alcohol and, with another officer, carried out a breath test. Sheriff Alasdair MacFadyen asked what the scooter's top speed was. MacLean's solicitor David Hingston said: "I would imagine something like 5mph. They are not designed for hell-raising." However, MacLean interjected from the dock: "It goes up to 10mph on the speedo."

Mr Hingston responded: "My Volvo speedometer goes up to 160mph, but that does not mean I travel at top speed." MacLean admitted drink-driving on various roads in Ullapool. Sheriff MacFadyen told him: "You are fined £100, which may be thought to be about one tenth of the normal fine for this sort of reading, but that is because of the nature of the offence. Given the amount of alcohol in your system you are disqualified from driving for two years."

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