Monday, November 15, 2010

Police establish man wasn't juggling live hand grenade

San Francisco police closed off a block near Fisherman's Wharf on Saturday evening on suspicion a juggler was using a live hand grenade in his act.

Bomb squad investigators determined the grenade was a replica, but not until after police had shut down the 300 block of Jefferson Street at around 5 p.m., said San Francisco police Lt. Troy Dangerfield.

"You have to take all precautions because you never know," he said, adding the closed block was reopened at around 6:15 p.m. The performer, who has not been identified, was detained. Dangerfield said he did not know if the juggler was still in custody or whether or not he would be charged with an offence.

"If you're a juggler, and you're juggling something that looks like it could be dangerous, please have a big sign saying it's fake," he said. "Or just use bananas."

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