Monday, November 22, 2010

Regarding the commenting system on this page

As you may or may not recall, last December, after using Haloscan commenting for five years, I was given a swift ultimatum of paying an annual subscription of $12 to change to Echo commenting, thus retaining all the previous comments, or not. At the time there was also a facility to move the previous comments to Blogger comments, but as I had no idea how to do this, it was easier to pay the $12.

I was recently advised that this subscription runs out in 28 days and because of the number of visitors here, to continue will cost what Echo appear to consider to be the very reasonable sum of $50 a MONTH!

Obviously, this isn't going to happen and it also seems I'll no longer be able to transfer previous comments elsewhere. I've tried contacting Echo and am still waiting to hear back from the robbing bastards someone there. I'm pretty much resigned to losing the previous comments and suppose I'll have to just revert back to Blogger comments.

Now technically, I'm nothing short of inept and have absolutely no idea how to remove Echo comments and restore Blogger comments. Is there a kind soul out there who could take a look at the code to this page for me and make this seemingly easy task, (if you know what you're doing), happen? Please. If I try I'll just break it.


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