Saturday, December 4, 2010

Woman finds dead mouse in syrup bottle

You wouldn’t think a bottle of syrup could ruin your day, but it did for Rena Snyder. On Tuesday morning, the expecting mother found an unexpected guest in her bottle of syrup. “I ate a whole waffle with it, and then I was working on a second one. Just me and my dad were passing it back and forth and I looked at it and I thought, ‘its turning solid, that’s kind of weird,” said Snyder, who lives in Cokato, Minn. What she was looking at wasn’t anything listed in the ingredients — it was an unwanted breakfast guest that had four legs and a tail.

“I don’t know what possessed me to open it and actually look at the bottom of it and there’s a big, fat dead mouse in it,” said Snyder. “I screamed! And because I’m 8 months pregnant so my mother thought my water broke.” Because she is pregnant and had consumed the syrup on more than one occasion, Snyder called the hospital and poison control. She ended up getting sick that night and went to the doctor the next day. Thankfully, everything checked out fine.

Snyder also contacted the Target store in Hutchinson, Minn. where her mother bought the syrup. Snyder says Target has been very apologetic. But it still leaves her wondering how the mouse got in the Market Pantry syrup bottle in the first place. One thing is for sure, she will never again look at Belgian waffles the same way and said she will never eat waffles again. “Syrup I can tell you for sure — never,” said Snyder.

Target released a statement saying they are taking the incident very seriously and are investigating what happened. They are not commenting on how the mouse may have got into the Market Pantry syrup bottle. Snyder believes it happened during the packaging, because the mouse is stuck on the bottom. She says neither her nor her parents saw the mouse because of where it was in the bottle and because the syrup was too dark.

With news video.

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