Saturday, January 8, 2011

Actress accused of kerb crawling after parking outside theatre

An amateur actress received a letter from police warning her against kerb crawling - after she parked outside a rehearsal room in a city's red light disctrict. Anne-Marie Carroll, 45, a company director, was opening the venue at 7.15pm on December 9 and knew nothing about the police watching her company car until she received a letter through the post at her work 10 days later. The letter, headed "Dear Sir", was sent by officers investigating people cruising the red-light district of Bradford, West Yorks. It informed her that the matter would remain on their records unless she appealed.

Mrs Carroll, who is a sales director at Carroll Cleaning Company in Halifax, West Yorks., has been a member of the Bradford Catholic Players for 26 years and attends the same rehearsal room up to four days a week. Their rehearsal venue is set in the red-light area that 'Crossbow Cannibal' Stephen Griffiths scoured for his victims. She said: "I drove up to the venue the same way I have for 26 years and parked up outside it, I wasn't slowing down regularly or acting suspiciously. We were there for about three hours and I didn't think anything of it at the time. It wasn't until December 19 that I got a letter through the post telling me I may have been committing a kerb crawling offence.

Photo from here.

"I was flabbergasted. If the police had been doing their job properly they would have seen that I was a woman on my own and after I had parked I went straight into the rehearsal room. It is lazy policing. If they had even bothered to ask me what I was doing they would have realised it made sense. What makes it even more ridiculous is that a year ago another person from the company got a warning for the same thing. He was stopped and taken into a van to explain what he was doing. He told the police and they said as they had now been made aware of the rehearsal room they wouldn't stop anyone else for parking in the same area."

The mother-of-two, who lives with husband 42-year-old husband Matthew, an account director, in Bingley, West Yorks., said the matter could have put a huge stain on her character if she was a man. She said: "My concern is with innocent people who, like me, drive company cars, a letter will go to their employers. Being a woman, it removes 90 percent of the doubt that I was actually kerb crawling but if I were a man I could protest my innocence until I was blue in the face and people wouldn't believe me. To send it to someone's workplace, not knowing who might see it, is irresponsible. It casts aspersions immediately and once that aspersion has been cast there would always be that cast of doubt as to what they were doing." Mrs Carroll has now launched an appeal after being told that she would have to formally object to have the issue removed from records.

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