Sunday, January 23, 2011

Man run over by train for fun

This footage shows a man lying down on a railway track and letting a train run over him for fun. The video, posted on YouTube, shows him position himself lengthways between the tracks while the carriages thunder over the top of him.

In the 56-second clip, the man, who is wearing a hooded jacket, dark trousers and black shoes, is seen looking up nervously as a freight train can be heard approaching in the background. After it spends 20 seconds thundering past, mere inches from his head, the man casually checks himself for injuries, jumps up, collects his camera and runs off.

LiveLeak link.

In the background viewers can hear the train screech to a halt out of shot. While it is uncertain whether the video was shot in the UK, Network Rail have branded the stunt as "stupidity in the extreme". A spokesman said: "It doesn't bear thinking about what would have happened if the turbulence created had swept the man's coat up into the underside of the train.

"Not only that but think about the effect on the train driver who believes he has just killed somebody. Nobody who has any regard for their own safety or the feelings of others should attempt a stunt like this. It is stupidity in the extreme."

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