Sunday, January 2, 2011

Motorist in stuck car had no pants

Call it a comedy of errors. Early on Thursday, a 42-year-old man decided to do something he says he has done before: drive next to railroad tracks. The problem was, roughly half-way into his journey, the man's 2005 Mitsubishi Gallant got struck in gravel and bushes approximately 4 to 5 yards from the tracks.

The second problem: The man was wearing only a black knit shirt that was inside out. This all happened at about 1:30 a.m. But help didn't come for hours. The driver said he repeatedly honked the horn but got no answer. Ocala police didn't get a call until about 7:49 a.m.

"At the time, the idea seemed OK," the man said. "I know it's not ordinary." Asked if he was taking a shortcut, the man said: "No, I was just driving." Asked why he wasn't wearing any pants, shoes, or socks, he said, "No reason."

The commotion prompted nearby residents to investigate later on Thursday morning. Told about the escapade, one woman, holding her young son in her arms, asked, "Why would he do that?" Another man, sitting on a chair, said, "That's crazy." Neither the woman nor the man said they heard any honking or strange noise throughout the night. A tow truck removed the vehicle.

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