Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Stolen laptop may contain cure for cancer

Oklahoma City police officers probably never thought it would be their job to find the cure for cancer, but they're now working a case that has the potential to save millions of lives. That's because a crook in Oklahoma may have the cure for cancer, and not even know it. It's now a race against the clock to find it before it's erased forever. Sook Shin says, "I cannot eat and sleep since last Sunday."

Last Sunday, Shin was carrying a possible cure for cancer in the back of her car. Years of data stored on a small iMac computer. She says, "I'm devastated. And I feel so guilty." Shin and her husband are leading cancer researchers in an OU research lab. The two have committed their lives, working long hours, seven days a week to find a cure for prostate cancer. She says, "It has been a long journey up to now."

YouTube link.

They stopped at a restaurant on North Western to grab a meal before heading back to the lab. When they finished, they found their car windows busted and the laptop gone. Shin says, "I just cannot eat, sleep. I feel enormous guilty feeling. Not backing up." Most of that data was never backed up, a mistake Shinn says could be a major setback in the fight against cancer. She says, "Please return the computer with the data saved. This would tremendously help us and you would do something for society."

The couple says that computer has the power to save millions of lives, but they're afraid whoever took it will wipe its memory and sell it. They're posting a flier in pawn shops hoping someone can help in time. Some of that data can never be replicated, and other parts of that research could take up to 2 years to do over. That's earth shattering, considering 30,000 men die in the U.S. every year from prostate cancer. Meaning more than 60,000 people could lose their lives, all because of a stupid crime.

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