Thursday, April 7, 2011

Luna, the cow who thinks she's a showjumping horse

When Regina Mayer's parents refused to buy her horse, she refused to give up on her dream of showjumping. The German teenager went straight out to the dairy paddock on her family's farm and saddled up one of the cows.

Regina, 15, spent months training Luna and can now ride her with ease. Not only do the pair regularly go on long rides through the German countryside, they also hurdle over makeshift jumps created with beer crates and painted logs.

Regina, who lives in Laufen, southern Germany, said of Luna: "She thinks she's a horse." They started off with gentle walks after the animal was born on the Mayers' farm two years ago.

YouTube link.

Gradually Luna became more accustomed to human contact and riding equipment.She now understands commands such as "go", "stand" and "gallop". "When she wants to do something, she does it, when she doesn't, she doesn't," said Regina. "And she's often very headstrong but can also be really adorable."

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