John and Jean Hobbs’ delight at finding what they thought were free biscuits with their butter turned to disgust when mud filled their mouths and they realised it was a lump of soil and dill seeds. Pensioner John, 79, said: “It was just as though I’d got a mouthful of grit, it was terrible. You imagine that young children would think ‘that’s edible’ but even the seeds weren’t edible so we got a double dose – seeds that weren’t edible as well as a mouth of grit.
“It was especially confusing because it was attached to food. You wouldn’t go into a garden centre and get a pot plant with a sandwich strapped underneath. It could have been dangerous if we’d swallowed mouthfuls of it, we had to spit it out. My wife had a coughing fit, she was in a terrible state.”

Residential care home manager Sharon Grange is warning people to be aware of the possible danger. She said: “You wouldn't think to read the pack because it looks so much like cookies. It’s really dangerous – how many other people have done this if that’s three people in a couple of hours? Why have they made them to look like cookies?”
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