For the last 16 years of his life, Morgan the white flippered penguin has thrived in the ocean. But now, all of a sudden, he hates water and can’t get out of it fast enough. Morgan was found near Akaroa, tired and gaunt. He has been water phobic ever since.

Antarctic Centre staff are puzzled. “It could have been a traumatic experience in his life, maybe he was separated from his raft of penguins or he’s lost a mate or just lack of food, or even maybe earthquakes,” says Antarctic Centre spokesman Mellorie Hackett.
It’s not just the sea Morgan fears. “We’ve given him two different types of water bowls now, to try and at least give him some water while he’s in the cage, but he just keeps flipping it over and every morning I find him standing on top of it – almost as if he’s trying to make a statement,” says Ms Hackett. It is hoped other penguins will eventually remind him of how important it is for a penguin to take the plunge.
There's a news video here.
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