Friday, July 1, 2011

Mechanic wearing stiletto heels chased wrong woman

A lust-struck garage mechanic wore a pair of stilettos to stalk the object of his desires. But Neil Begley's pursuit of passion backfired when he picked on the wrong woman. He flashed his footwear at her and she reported him.

A court heard that Begley, 21, ended up looking foolish when he tried to track down a woman he'd had a casual fling with. They both found him wearing spiky shoes during sex a turn-on but their affair came to an end when he lost his mobile phone with her details. So he set out in his car for her usual haunts - wearing the stilettos.

Paisley Sheriff Court was told his plan went wrong when he mistook another woman for the one he was looking for. He followed her from an Asda store in Linwood through the streets of Paisley. Begley, from Beith, Ayrshire, admitted behaving in a threatening and abusive manner likely to cause fear and alarm by following her.

Prosecutor Stephen Ferguson said Begley had expected to shock and that there had been a significant sexual element to the offence. But Begley said through his solicitor that the incident was a one-off brought about by a desire to reignite a relationship he had enjoyed previously. Sheriff Neil Douglas placed Begley on probation and the sex offenders' register for a year.

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