Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dog threw drug-filled sock out of truck window

A Sherman County sheriff's deputy pulling over a pickup truck last week unexpectedly saw a stuffed sock come flying out a window that turned out to hold marijuana and hashish. Sgt. John Terrel was pulling over the 1998 GMW with California plates just before noon on Feb. 9.

After the stop, the driver explained to Sgt. Terrel that as he was being pulled over, he tried to stash the sock. His pit bull mix dog grabbed the sock and wouldn't let go, enjoying the tug-of-war game. The dog won, tossing the sock out the window.

Sherman County Sheriff Brad Lohrey had high praise for the canine. “I wish everyone travelled with their own personal drug dog. It sure would make our job easier."

Joel Dobrin, 32, of San Diego, was cited for possession of marijuana and hashish. He was later indicted by a Sherman County grand jury and charged with possession of a controlled substance hashish.

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