Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Drug dealer to sue police for 'humiliating' him

A drug dealer is planning to sue police for "humiliating" him by telling his neighbours that he was sent to jail. Police put a photograph of Luke Walsh-Pinnock, 22, on a "name and shame" leaflet sent to 1500 homes - but Walsh-Pinnock claims that the police force's actions breached his human rights and plans to seek damages.

Police spread the news to Walsh-Pinnock's neighbours in Kilburn, north London, informing them that he was sentenced to four years in jail for dealing cocaine and heroin. Walsh-Pinnock's parents also complained about his "degrading" treatment. "Luke's been humiliated in his local community, which is against his human rights. We'll take this to court. He's a good boy who is kind to his family," a friend of his mother said.

Chief Superintendent Matthew Gardner, from Brent Police, said, "We constantly target offenders and put them before the courts, but often local people don't know what has been done. It is important that they are aware when criminals are put away and will no longer be blighting their communities."

Officers raided a flat in Kilburn last August and caught Walsh-Pinnock cutting up heroin. They also seized a safe that contained quantities of cocaine and heroin. Walsh-Pinnock and his friend James Goldsmith, 35, were convicted of possession with intent to supply. Scotland Yard confirmed that police "received a complaint from a member of the public regarding the leaflets".

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