Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Granny caught having sex with pet Rottweiler spared jail

A grandmother who was caught on camera having sex with the family dog was spared jail. Police found 33 photographs of Paula Mangan, 42, in sexual positions with the Rottweiler-Chow cross dog after raiding her home in Huyton.

Mum-of-two and gran-of-one Mangan initially denied the pictures were of her, as they did not show her face. But when experts uncovered further images which clearly identified her, she admitted her guilt. Mangan, now of Parkview Drive, Netherley, admitted having sex with the animal.

Imposing a two-year community order with supervision, Judge Robert Warnock said: "I am satisfied you now realise this sort of behaviour is wholly and totally unacceptable." David McLachlan, prosecuting, said officers discovered the images after raiding the home Mangan shared with her partner Lee McCall on January 11, 2009.

McCall, 41, also of Parkview Drive pleaded guilty to 13 counts of making indecent images and will be sentenced on April 18. Sarah Holt, defending, said: "It is clear she has already suffered as a result of these proceedings. She undoubtedly will continue to suffer as a result of the offences."

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