Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Paedophile walks free after judge rules he was seduced by girl of 13

A judge was slammed yesterday for allowing a child sex pervert to walk free from court and accusing a girl of 13 of seducing him. Paedophile David Barnes, 24, was given a suspended jail sentence after admitting having cyber-sex with the schoolgirl and downloading child porn.

Judge Peter Fox QC said the pornography was “the worst kind of abuse of very small children for the perverted lust of people like you”. He added: “How you could be attracted to that kind of material beggars belief”. Judge Fox admitted people would be puzzled by his decision to let Barnes go, as official guidelines suggested a short jail sentence for his offences.

But he told Barnes: “In addition to the images, there was your perverted activities over the internet with the 13-year-old, who, I accept, appears to have seduced you.” The National Victims’ Association said it was “incomprehensible” to blame Barnes’ young victim. Spokesman Neil Atkinson said: “Thirteen-year-olds have to be protected. They are children. Intellectually, ethically and legally, this girl could not be on the same level as a man in his 20s.

“The judge is right that most people will be disturbed by an adult receiving a suspended sentence for this. It is abhorrent anyone should, in effect, go un-punished for something that could have led to a far more serious offence.” As well as the suspended jail term with supervision, Barnes was given 300 hours of unpaid community work and placed on a sex offender treatment programme. In 2008, Judge Fox caused similar outrage by ruling a 40-year-old woman was seduced by a boy of 14 after she admitted having sex with him.

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