Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Soldiers raise £6,000 to save kitten used as a football in Afghanistan

British soldiers have raised £6,000 to rescue a kitten that Afghan ­children used as a football. Patrolling paratroopers found Sticky barely alive in Helmand Province.

Within two weeks, soldiers from 3rd Battalion the Parachute Regiment raised enough to pay for the ginger tom’s ­quarantine and travel to the UK.

Private Liam ­Greenhalgh, 21, of Blackburn, asked friends and family to send cat food and donate cash.

His girlfriend Tania Chapman, 24, said: “They have had a difficult tour but none of them wanted to leave Sticky there.” The cat, whose brother Relentless died of his injuries, will hopefully live at the Colchester garrison in Essex, or with a soldier.

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