Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Britain’s top pet lookalike

Auburn-haired Nicky Walton has scooped the unglamorous national title of being the pet owner who most looks like – her dog. Farm hand Nicky, 32, was commended for her ”remarkable” resemblance to dachshund Tyler, including the same flowing auburn hair and deep brown eyes. She won first prize in a nationwide competition by vetinary charity People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) to find Britain’s top pet lookalike. Single Nicky, an animal foster ‘mum’, looks after three-year-old Tyler along with 11 other dogs, three cats, a parrot, a rescued magpie and two tortoises.

Surprisingly Nicky, from Longhope, Glos., is taking the award as a compliment. She said: ”I wasn’t sure whether to take this award as a compliment or not at first – but Tyler is a very handsome dog so I have decided I will. I have had him since he was a puppy – he got me over the pain of a break-up – and he follows me around wherever I go. I didn’t consciously choose him because he looked like me, but he certainly does now.

”I had never had a dachshund before – but I’ve got nine of them now! Tyler is top dog at home, he’s very loving and loyal and has me wrapped around his paw.” Second place went to Danielle Wilson, from Dagenham, Essex, and her four-year-old Lhasa Apso called Honey. Danielle, whose hairstyle even matches her pooch, says she treats the pet like her own daughter.

She said: ”Honey was an unwanted gift for someone so I snapped her up. I’m a full time mum of one son and treat honey like the daughter I never had. I love to do her hair the same as mine. We are inseparable and everyone comments on how much we look alike, she is such a loving dog and I feel so lucky to have her.”

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