Monday, October 25, 2010

Car dealer told Halloween monsters are too real

A Virginia auto dealer has removed a local woman's Halloween monsters from his showroom after customer complaints they were scary or devilish. Tom Robertson, general sales manager at Greenbrier Dodge in Chesapeake, said one woman was so startled by Georgette Gaynor's life-size figures she slipped.

"They were so real-looking," he said. "More than one person would walk in the door, and not paying attention, would look up and be startled by one of the monsters in front of them."

Gaynor spent six days getting the 78 figures to the dealership and another three putting them up, and Robertson said asking her to take down the display was his toughest decision in business.

But he said he cannot afford to lose customers like the man who said he was unable to purchase a car with the monsters there. "This broke my heart," Robertson said. "But for some, Halloween is devil-worshiping."

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