Friday, October 15, 2010

'Euthanised' pet dog wakes up the next day

A Detroit-area man says it's like a scene from the horror film "Pet Sematary." The man took his dog to the vet to be euthanized yet the dog woke up, alive, the very next day. "I watched her basically die in front of my eyes, at least I thought she was. And now I got to go through it again? I mean, come on, man," said Matt Olivarez, the dog's owner.

Olivarez brought what he thought was his dog Mia's lifeless body back home to bury her. But the next morning, he couldn't believe his eyes. "When I came home from work, you know I was like, she was sitting right there, you know, in front of her bowl of food. All I know is that, when they injected her, they injected her twice. And, she went to sleep. And they said, 'That's it. She passed.' And they gave me a blanket, wrapped her up. I took her home. And I wanted to figure out what I wanted to do with her. And, the next morning, I came back, she was wide awake," Olivarez said.

Mia can barely get up because of spinal problems. And now Olivarez is faced with a painstaking decision all over again. Does he take Mia back to the vet and watch his dog go down again? "You know, what if I would have buried my dog alive? What if I had her cremated, you know? She would have gotten burned alive. You know, that's animal cruelty. You know, like, all type of stuff, like, I explained that to my kids.

"How am I going to explain to my kids, I gotta kill Mia twice? I gotta kill her again? My kids are eight and nine years old. I mean, she's a family dog," said Olivarez. While Olivarez considers what to do next, he has heard back from the animal center where he took his dog last weekend. The facility says it will refund his money.

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