Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Woman sues Asda over frog in wine bottle‎

A woman in the UK is reportedly suing supermarket giant Asda after she allegedly found a frog in a bottle of wine purchased at one of its stores. Isolde Beesley says the small frog fell out of the bottle of Spanish wine and into her glass during a family celebration. Ms Beesley, from Leicestershire, says she has suffered stomach pains ever since the incident and has hired lawyers to pursue a claim for compensation.

Asda, who took the Moscatel de Valencia wine off the shelves as a precaution while it conducted an investigation, says it has rigorous inspection procedures in its bottling plants and that it is ‘virtually impossible’ for a frog to enter a wine bottle during the bottling process. Ms Beesley bought the wine on 23 December last year and opened it on Boxing Day.

She has since handed in the frog and bottle to her local environmental health department for analysis. Asda said it was taking the case ‘very seriously’. A spokeswoman for Asda said: 'We have fully investigated this issue with our suppliers and found no inadequacies with the bottling process and no pests were present at the factory.'

'We can only apologise to the customer that they had a bad experience with our wine and itis something we will watch out for in the future.' Ms Beesley’s solicitor, Michael Connor, partner at TPS Solicitors, said:‘Mrs Beesley clearly had a contract with Asda who are under a duty by virtue of the Sale of Goods Act to make sure the wine was fit to drink. Clearly, selling a bottle of wine apparently contaminated with a dead frog makes the wine unfit for consumption.’

With more photos.

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