Saturday, October 31, 2009

Natalie Imbruglia's transsexual cousin in airport drama

She lived as a woman, looked like a woman and turned up to get her passport dressed in fuschia jacket, skirt and heels.

But Stefanie Imbruglia, on her way to Thailand for her final sex-change surgery, was devastated when the passport officer insisted on calling her "sir" and made her list her sex as male on her new passport.

When she arrived in Thailand, she was stopped at the airport by a passport control officer who wanted her to account for the discrepancy between her female appearance and male passport.

Ms Imbruglia said it was done infront of her fellow passengers, was highly embarrassing and forced her to have her medical history disclosed to the public against her will.

Any excuse.

Ms Imbruglia, first cousin of pop star Natalie Imbruglia, returned with her $20,000 operation complete and a resolve to fight for the rights of transsexuals.

The cousins grew up together but haven't seen each other recently but despite that, Stefanie said her famous cousin is supportive of the change.

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