Wednesday, March 3, 2010

College campus divided over Bible for porn campaign

It's part of a campaign called 'Smut for Smut' sponsored by the student group, 'Atheist Agenda.' "We are comparing their religious text to pornography.." says group member Carlos Morales.

Collecting more than just the bible, this group accepts anything containing religious text. In return, students ages 18 or older receive pornography.

Atheist Agenda leaders say porn is no worse than what's written in some parts of religious texts.

"I don't understand how that equals at all .. to the word of God .. they're definitely opposites ... " says Monica Coronado, a University of Texas - San Antonio freshman.

Coronado is one of the many students joining hands, denouncing the group's message. "Honestly God isn't just about killing people .. he's about really righteousness .. I just wanted to explain.."

The debate spurs plenty of emotion from both sides, but some students took a different approach, supporting neither side, saying the debate accomplished nothing.

With news video.

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