Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Man flips police the bird, then sues them

One man is taking lone, one-fingered stance for what he calls the people's "right to dissent."

Robert Ekas says he flipped the bird at two Clackamas County sheriff's deputies on two separate occasions last month.

Both deputies pulled him over, and one of them issued him two tickets. Those tickets were later tossed out, but it appears for Ekas, the battle is not yet over.

The man has filed a complaint against the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office, alleging deputies are trying to "retaliate against and chill citizens' First Amendment free speech rights."

"It's a right for every citizen to say, 'I don't like the way things are going so I'm not going to go along with the program,'" Ekas said.

Ekas said he was inspired by a Pittsburgh man who won a $50,000 settlement after being cited for flipping off an officer last year.

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