Monday, March 1, 2010

Massive head of famous Egyptian pharaoh unearthed

A colossal red granite head of one of Egypt's most famous pharaohs has been unearthed in the southern city of Luxor.

The 3,000-year-old head of Amenhotep III - grandfather of Tutankhamun - was dug out of the ruins of the pharaoh's mortuary temple.

Experts say it is the best preserved example of the king's face ever found.

Click for bigger.

The 2.5m (8ft) head is part of a larger statue, most of which was found several years ago.

"Other statues have always had something broken - the tip of the nose, or the face is eroded," said Dr Hourig Sourouzian, who has led the Egyptian-European expedition at the site.

"But here, from the top of the crown to the chin, it is so beautifully carved and polished, nothing is broken."

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