Monday, February 21, 2011

Men reach for sacred wood at 'Naked Festival'

About 9,000 men dressed in nothing but white "fundoshi" (loin cloths) gathered on Saturday night in the city of Okayama for an offbeat competition to chase after two sacred sticks thrown by a monk.

The men who manage to snatch the wood and leave with it from Saidaiji Temple in Higashi Ward are recognized as the "lucky men" of the year.

The Saidaiji Eyo competition, also known as the "Naked Festival," is widely recognized as one of the "three oddest festivals" in the nation. It dates back to the Muromachi Period (1388-1573), with this year's rendition being the 502nd.

YouTube link.

According to legend, the festival started after monks noticed that too many people were chasing after its amulet bills and decided to just throw some into the crowds.

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