Monday, October 19, 2009

Australian female firefighters in wet T-shirt row

A wet T-shirt controversy has broken out among Australian female firefighters who have complained their new Rural Fire Service shirts become see-through when wet.

Women complained that when they sweat, handle leaking hoses, wash or fill their trucks and even when it rains, their male colleagues can see through their new shirts.

"Most women aren't too happy about it. We're not doing the job to be glamorous. We're not sex objects," Sydney volunteer Maryann Berndt, 34, said.

"You can get quite wet on the fire ground, you always get wet from leaking hoses or filling up the trucks."

In an email forwarded to Opposition emergency services spokeswoman Melinda Pavey, another female firefighter wrote: "I do not like the yellow long sleeved T-shirts for the fact that after you have rolled a few wet hoses or ended up with water all over you they become completely see-through. This isn't much of an issue for the guys but not so flattering for the girlies."

Ms Pavey said the shirts were issued to firefighters without consultation. "It is demeaning there is no thought for women volunteers and what may happen if the shirts get wet. It shows a lack of respect for what women do in the RFS," Ms Pavey said.

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