Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Koran inscriptions appear on little boy's body

Inscriptions of Prophet Muhammad regarded with the same reverence as the Koran appear and then disappear on the body of a nine-month-old child born in a small village of Krasno-Oktyabrskoye, the Republic of Dagestan. According to a representative of a local musk, the signs in Arab first appeared on the body of the new-born Ali Yakubov a few days after his birth.

The child’s mother, Madina Yakubova, said that the boy was born with a hematoma on his chin, and when the bruise healed, the word 'Allah' written in Arab appeared. “The inscriptions appear on Mondays and Fridays, the boy runs very high temperature and cries. The inscriptions gradually disappear after three days and then new ones appear,” the mother said.

A representative of Dagestan Spiritual Governance for Muslims did not provide any comments. He said he was surprised like everyone else. The imam of the village musk believes that these signs are “God’s signs.”

Medics do not believe in religious miracles, of course. Ludmila Luss, a local doctor, believes that the story with the inscriptions is masterminded by the boy’s parents. “They might have treated his skin with irritants, such as pepper and salt, or medications, which trigger skin inflammation and leave red traces in the shape of Arabic characters,” she said.

The parents may not have used any substances or medications, if the child suffers from urticarial dermographism, also known as skin writing, – a skin disorder that occurs with five percent of the nation’s population. It is one of the most common types of urticaria, in which the skin becomes raised and inflamed when stroked or rubbed with a dull object. Therefore, if the child has such a disorder, writing anything on his skin is a piece of cake.

“Some people suffering from gastric pathologies have extremely sensitive skin. If you draw something on their skin with a little stick, for example, the drawing will later appear,” Ludmila Luss said.

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