Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Police follow paint trail to drink-driver

A drunk driver has left a trail of destruction - and paint - behind him to lead Australian police straight to his door.

The man was first spotted by a community member who phoned NSW Police at 12.10pm (AEDT) yesterday after allegedly seeing him behind the wheel of a Toyota Hilux on a Queanbeyan median strip, drinking from a wine cask before driving off toward Canberra.

ACT Policing soon picked up the pursuit following more reports that the car was weaving onto the wrong side of the road, narrowly missing other vehicles as it drove through the southern Canberra suburbs of Symonston, Red Hill and Narrabundah.

The driver then crashed his car through a fence and into the Canberra Nature Park in Isaacs, before breaking through a log barrier and emerging in the neighbouring suburb of O'Malley.

It was at this point that a tin of paint fell open in the tray of the ute, spilling a prominent trail behind the car through suburbs Garran, Hughes, Curtin, Chifley and finally Torrens. Police followed the leak to a home in the southern Canberra suburb, where a man was found hosing down his car.

After being taken into custody, he recorded a blood alcohol content level of 0.084. The man will be summonsed to court on a range of traffic-related offences at a later date.

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