Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Woman who drove neighbours mad by constantly reciting Lord's Prayer hit with ASBO

A woman who repeatedly recites the Lord’s Prayer has been warned she could end up in jail if she continues.

Martina Rabess has been given an Anti Social Behaviour Order to prevent her loud praying and chanting in communal areas of her block of flats in the early hours of the morning.

Her behaviour sparked dozens of complaints to police which ended in an appearance at Sevenoaks Magistrates Court last week.

Under the terms of the two-year ASBO she is now banned from leaving or entering her home between 11pm and 7am.

Neighbour Debbie Attwood said: ‘Thank God something has been done at last. ‘It was a nightmare - she would come to the bottom of the stairs and pray every morning at about 3am for at least an hour and recite the Lord's Prayer.

‘It got so bad you couldn't sleep - even with earplugs, it just went on and on and on.’

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