Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bird whisperer cures angry swan Mr Asbo - Update

Psychic Michelle Childerley claims she had a Dr Doolittle-style chat, to get him to ditch his aggressive ways and move on.

The move comes after rowers in Cambridge called for the Queen to remove the swan, which attacks people using the river.

Ms Childerley claims from talking to the swan she learned he was angry with humans after his cygnets were killed by a rower named 'Gonville' last summer.

Now she hopes to convince him to quit his home and leave river users in peace.

"My recommendation to him was that he migrates to somewhere outside the city," said Ms Childerley, "He's not really flavour of the month around here. He needed to be told what people were saying about him and it hasn't been good.

"When I was communicating telepathically first of all he portrayed a feeling of fear and being quite angry with humans."


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