Friday, April 30, 2010

Brian McFadden told Australia's Got Talent contestant to 'f*** off back to England'

Brian McFadden is facing calls to be thrown off Australia's Got Talent after he told a contestant to "f*** off back to England" in an ugly spat, cut from the show. McFadden attacked Brisbane mother-of-two Anne Ferguson-Howe after her comedy routine flopped on the Channel 7 talent program. "It was horrific. If I saw him (McFadden) again, I'd whack him. I'd spit on him," a distraught Ferguson-Howe says.

McFadden laid into the 50-year-old after she had already endured a humiliating put-down by Kyle Sandilands about her weight. Things got really ugly when she decided to bite back. "Kyle said something personal and I thought 'no, this isn't appropriate," British-born Ferguson-Howe says. "That's when I said "It's easy for you to sit there and have a cheap laugh - when was the last time you had a chat about rape? Well, my God, everyone went mental.

"Brian said 'get off, get off" in a really nasty tone. I then said to Brian "listen pal, if you're going to dish it out, you've got to learn to take it back. If you're going to get personal, I'm going to get personal. Brian pulled his mike off, climbed on stage and very cleverly, without anyone hearing, said "why don't you just f*** off back to England."

"I'm a thick-skinned woman of 50 who loves a laugh but if it had been a 20-year-old girl the size I am with low self-esteem I think I would have gone home and shot myself," Channel 7 has admitted that the ugly exchange took place and was deleted from Tuesday night's show. Ferguson-Howe, a relative newcomer to stand up comedy, is livid that Seven chopped the footage. "I'm spewing that (they've edited it) in their favour," the comedian says.

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