Friday, April 30, 2010

Widow makes life-size cut-out of dead husband and even takes him to his own funeral

A grieving widow has kept the memory of her dead husband alive for their two children - by creating a life-sized cardboard cut-out to keep in the family home.

Father-of-two Paul Challis died from cancer at the age of 38 - just weeks after being diagnosed with two brain tumours.

Wife Maria, 36, and their two children Jack, seven, and Molly, nine, were left devastated by their loss but Mrs Challis was determined he would never be forgotten.

Now a 6ft 1ins cardboard cut-out of Paul stands in the family home he once shared with them.

The cut-out even made an appearance at his own funeral and attended his best friend's wedding weeks after his death.

He is pictured at one of his happiest moments holding a bottle of champagne and laughing while onboard a QE2 cruise with Maria. The cut-out was made for Paul's funeral but afterwards his grieving wife could not bear to get rid of it.

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