Sunday, May 30, 2010

Council bans Dwile Flonking under health and safety laws

The traditional East Anglian pub sport of “Dwile Flonking” has been banned by a council because it breached health and safety drinking laws. The sport’s inaugural world championships were due to be held on Saturday at the Dog Inn pub, in Ludham, Great Yarmouth. But its future is in doubt after Norfolk District Council outlawed the game because it contravened laws aimed at banning speed drinking.

Event organisers are locked in crisis talks to find a way for teams, who are visiting from all over the country, to participate. It was hoped it could have become a local tourist attraction. During the game, ''flonkers'' use a pole to launch a beer-soaked cloth at opponents, with the aim of giving them a hearty wet slap in the face. Rules state if their soggy missile misses its target twice in a row, the competitor must down a pot - or half - of ale as quickly as possible.

But after reading about the planned tournament online Tony Gent, the council’s licensing officer, told Mrs Clinch she would be breaking the law. ''I was completely taken aback. It seems the law is the law… but is does seem over the top,” said the pub’s landlord, Lorraine Clinch, 49. ''Everyone is a willing participant and we are not expecting hordes of people turning up to take part. It is just a bit of fun and we are only talking about drinking half a pint of real ale.”

New laws introduced in April banned drinking games, including time limit, all-you-can-drink offers, free alcohol prizes and binge drinking promotions. Breaches of the new code could lead to pubs losing their licences, fines of up to £20,000 for landlords and even six months in prison.

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