Saturday, May 29, 2010

Thief knew not to mess with nun

It is a line - well, actually a command - that the petite nun has used on many a student in nearly 50 years in Catholic schools: "You need to give me what you have."

Usually, that yields some contraband gum or rubber bands for Sister Lynn Rettinger, the 5-foot-3 principal of Sacred Heart Elementary School in Shadyside. This time, it yielded a wallet a stranger stole from a parked car.

"I said to him, 'You need to give me what you have.' That's what I say to children if I know they have something they shouldn't. I say, 'You need to give me what's in your pocket.' He gave it to me, and then he apologized," she said.

She said the man said, 'I'm sorry," and then just walked away. "He didn't even run," she said.

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