Sunday, May 30, 2010

Man almost had penis amputated after 27 day erection

A man tried to escape from a hospital in the Dominican Republic where he had been hospitalized for priapism, a condition characterized by a prolonged and painful erection not associated with sexual desire after learning that doctors planned to amputate his penis because he may have gangrene.

Luis Rodríguez Taveras, 45, had been admitted more than three weeks ago to a hospital of the north of the Dominican Republic because of this problem, which was caused by eating a lot of sexual stimulants. In statements given to local journalists later, Rodriguez declared that he had ingested drugs.

Photo from here.

“In the hospital they told me that they had to cut my penis because I was turning black, and I could not even urinate,” he told to the Dominican media. “That caused me terror. ”Me without a penis? “No” he said. Doctors who attended him found him in the outskirts of Santiago, 160 kilometers north of Santo Domingo.

Rodríguez Taveras said he warned his wife not to sign the document authorizing the operation because “I could not live without my penis.” He argued that the erection began to subside gradually after treatment provided by an urologist at another hospital, who defined it as a good doctor and a “very human.” Finally, the situation returned to normal and can continue with his sex life, but probably will not attempt again to take as many stimulants.

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