Sunday, May 30, 2010

Puppy survives 30-mile drive trapped in car engine

A woman rushing to see her husband in the emergency room was forced to pull over when she heard an animal whining under the hood of her car.

Darlene Broome was following the ambulance for about 30 miles when she heard a strange noise coming from her car.

She pulled over and lifted the hood to see an 8 week old female lab pup stuck in the motor on top of the transmission. Broome started to flag down cars to help her.

Photo from here.

Mechanic Matt Baxley was on his way to work, saw Darlene waving and pulled over to help.

The puppy was so stuck, they had to use tools and take parts of the car apart to get her out. The puppy's belly was burned. They rushed her to the vet and now she is doing fine.

They never found the puppy's owner. One of Baxley's friends adopted her. Darlene Broome's husband is fine as well.

With news video.

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