Thursday, May 6, 2010

Man's bid to have ex-wife remove 'idiot' bumper sticker costs him $500

An Australian man has been ordered to pay $500 in court costs after failing in his bid to have the Family Court order his ex-wife to remove a bumper sticker that ridiculed men.

The man, known in the case as "Mr Pope", began his legal battle in February to have the court order that his ex-wife remove a sticker from her car that says: "Men are idiots. I divorced their king!"

Judicial Registrar Ian Loughnan said he could understand how the father would be upset that his 13-year-old daughter would see what was effectively a "billboard" each day describing him as an idiot.

"However, for all I know this may be the way the parents have always talked to each other. Their daughter might say that her parents are idiots." Mr Loughnan, who described the matter as improper use of court time, ordered that the parents split the mother's court costs of $1000.

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