Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Prisoner cuts off ear, then escapes with masked gang

A prisoner had part of his ear cut off in a "calculated" sequence of events so he could escape from an ambulance in Greater Manchester, police have said. Michael O'Donnell, who had been sharing a cell with his brother, is on the run from HMP Salford after his ambulance was held up by masked men on Sunday.

Greater Manchester Police believe either the 28-year-old or his brother hacked off part of his left ear. A police spokesman said it was "calculated on O'Donnell's behalf". Shortly after 0130 BST on Sunday, O'Donnell, who was awaiting sentence after being convicted of a robbery plot, told prison staff he had sustained an injury in his cell.

Police said part of his left ear had been cut off, but there was no suggestion he had been attacked. He was being taken to Hope Hospital by ambulance when a stolen BMW pulled in front of it, forcing it to stop on Agecroft Road.

Four masked men then attacked the vehicle with baseball bats and bolt cutters and O'Donnell, who was escorted by three prison guards, escaped.

With video.

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