Saturday, July 31, 2010

Acupuncture patient locked inside clinic with needles in her back

An acupuncture patient was found locked in a Bellingham Clinic Tuesday night after she told police she had been left on the treatment table with needles still in her back. Bellingham police said the woman called 911 and was found by officers locked inside Discovering Health at 1513 E. Street.

Police say the clinic's employees had apparently forgot about her and gone home for the night. The 47 year old woman told officers she pulled the needles out of her own back and tried to leave but the door was locked from the outside.

She tripped the motion sensor security system inside the business. The woman was pulled from the business unharmed. "We are not investigating this. This was just a call for service for us", says Police spokesman Mark Young.

Police are not releasing the woman's name. Discovering Health would not comment on the incident. The Department of Health says it will investigate if a complaint is made.

With news video.

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