Monday, July 26, 2010

Kings of Leon cancel gig after pigeon craps on their bass player

A flock of pigeons got the best of a Nashville-based rock group on Friday night at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Kings of Leon fled from the stage after their third song, complaining they were being hit repeatedly with pigeon faeces. "The band is very sad and upset about it," Kings publicist Ken Weinstein said.

But, he said, "No band would play under those conditions." Weinstein said band members had been warned by management of a pigeon infestation in the rafters of the amphitheater. And the band noticed that the opening groups, The Stills and The Postelles, came off the stage "riddled" with excrement, Weinstein said.

"They had to make a game-time decision," Weinstein said, and elected to play. But after the third song, when bassist Jared Followill was hit for the third or fourth time, the band left the stage, Weinstein said.

When the band walked off, many concertgoers, unaware of a reason, became upset and began chanting an expletive and "refund." The crowd then heard an announcement that the concert had been cancelled due to 'safety" concerns. The concert's promoter, Live Nation, have announced that fans can get a refund.

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