Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dog died after being forced to wear condom

A Sri Lankan immigrant living in Canada has pleaded guilty to animal cruelty after a bizarre sexual assault on the animal.

Two-year-old Labrador-cross Tyson was found in immense pain, unable to walk and with a blackened and bloody, grotesquely withered penis. The dog had had a condom placed over it’s penis and tied tightly, vets sedated Tyson and removed the condom but he was eventually euthanized for humanitarian reasons.

Tyson’s owner, 51-year-old Anjalo Abeywickrema was arrested in May after police tracked him using fingerprints taken from the dog’s prophylactic. Abeywickrema, who fled to Canada from his home in Sri Lanka after Tamil Tigers allegedly murdered his family was known to the police as he had a previous conviction for manslaughter.

In the time immediately after Tyson was discovered wearing the rubber sheath and suffering from damaged genitals speculation began that he was the victim of vile bestiality, but appearing in court yesterday Abeywickrema denies any animal sex and claims he fitted the condom to prevent the dog from urinating in his apartment.

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